Category Archives: Process

My Process on the BFA poster

Initially, after I first had the meeting and was given this assignment, I immediately thought of other project I had done that might be integrated into this one. I’m always looking at how things could work together that may not initially seem they should.

I then went to the drawing board, and wrote out possible layouts for the design. I don’t usually do sketches of the design immediately, instead preferring to brain dump onto the page as it helps me visualize it easier. Words have always come easier to me than visuals, which might seem odd for someone in the visual arts field, but its worked out for me so far.

After this initial thinking phase, then comes the action. The best way for me, is to create three different concepts and then do at least five variations on them. If I get bored of them by the fifth one, or its just not working for me, then I scratch the idea and move on to the other two. I may go back to it, or I may not.